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Night Game Drive in Lake Mburo National Park

Did you know that in some parks in Uganda it is possible to do a gamedrive at night?

Important details

  • 2 to 3 hours
  • Starts between 6:30 PM and 7 PM
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It’s a truly unique experience that is not possible in most parks and reserves. But for example in Lake Mburo National Park it is possible to do this. You explore the savannah after hours, in the moonlight and spot nocturnal animals such as the aardvark, the white-tailed mongoose, the honey badger, the side-striped jackal, the genet and the serval cat, thanks to a filtered spotlight. Leopards can also be seen hunting at night, as they hide from their prey with more ease.

This night game drive starts after dinner, between 6:30pm and 7pm, and takes about 2 to 3 hours. The rules that apply during the day apply during the night, but be aware nights can be frisky and you might need to take some warm clothes. Usually on a night game drive, the accommodation where you spend the night will provide you with a vehicle and a guide. With a proper preparation, a night time safari in Lake Mburo National Park is truly unrivalled…!

Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park